SURGLASSES – OOOPDS software receives Taiwan FDA clearance to be used in Clinical Applications

SURGLASSES – OOOPDS software receives Taiwan FDA clearance to be used in Clinical Applications

SURGLASSES – OOOPDS software receives Taiwan FDA clearance to be used in Clinical ApplicationsTAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN, April 8, 2021 / — OOOPDS provides a medical image analysis method, which is constructed by combining DICOM image data and 3D rendering system. The 2D/3D image conversion is built and the DICOM data results are presented. The simulation experiment application, which extends down to the image, provides multi-party reference data analysis in the field of orthopedics, and exerts the best results of computer image computing.

Surgical Planning for Spine
Bone Plate Implanation

OOOPDS is a professional application software system for audio-visual imaging. It provides image applications in DICOM medical image format. It can read 3D image models with CT, MRI, OOOPDS and 2D/3D image conversion operations. The conversion of 2D Dicom data into 3D is performed by own designed algorithm which makes it the fastest conversion software in the world. OOOPDS provide basic operation and use multiple image features, such as image processing, image rendering and image measurement, drawing tools, and has a plurality of core OOOPDS computing technology, including 3D image area split, cutting and application object and image simulator suitable for general use of medical imaging operation. OOOPDS provides the fastest auto segmentation of the bone structure with different colors to make it easier for the surgeons and professional for better understanding and performing the pre-surgical procedures. OOOPDS is dedicated to the software system for orthopedic medical imaging applications. It has developed a number of digital image simulation operations and visual image operations. This is also the OOOPDS core processing operation function for the surgical simulation planning of digital images.

• Spinal puncture path planning simulation
• General/customized bone plate planning simulation
• Screw locking / SI locking screw / screw implant planning simulation
• Manual reset / automatic symmetrical reset planning simulation

